"A Brief Introduction"

A school established by a "Japanese software company"!

Metro IT & Japanese Language Center is a "vocational school" created by a software company.

"Metro Group", composed of "Metro Computer Service Co., Ltd." which handles software development, "Kawasaki Kosan Co., Ltd. (Metro Bookstore)" handles sales of books, and "Metro human resources center" handling staffing businesses, established "Metro IT & Japanese Language Center" as a "division" of the "Metro computer service education business", aiming to train "staffing personnel" in order to cope with Japan's shortage of "talented" Computer Technicians.



Greetings from the Principle!

"For the 'future of Myanmar', 'Metro IT & Japanese Language Center' was established with the aim of fostering 'IT professionals' with knowledge in Japanese. They are taught Japanese while also studying about 'IT technology'. In addition to Myanmar lecturers, our lecturers from Japan are collaborating to introduce 'new and improved teaching methods'. Since our college offers the same curriculum of 'Metro General Business College' in Nagasaki, it is very likely to find a job after graduation. 'Young IT engineers' from Metro will soon be taking on 'important roles' in Myanmar, Japan, and companies around the world."

"We at Metro welcomes all Myanmar youths who are interested in IT and want to work towards a brilliant future!"

Highlights of METRO

Our special curriculum!

METRO provides its own special curriculum in order to give both Japanese and IT lectures at the same time. By teaching important topics in a balanced manner, students can find a good job in a short span of roughly 2 years.

Native Japanese and Local Myanmar instructors!

METRO currently is focusing on compatibility between IT and Japanese. In Japanese classes, native lecturers and Myanmar lecturers will collaborate to give lectures in a well balanced way.

Focused on acquiring qualifications!

METRO puts an emphasis on acquiring qualifications such as JLPT N2 for Japanese and for ITPEC Exam FE for IT because these qualifications are immediately useful for employment.

Study at METRO while taking Distance university education!

Many of our students are studying at METRO while at the same time attending correspondence distance universities. Learn practical IT technology with METRO while waiting for a university graduation qualification!

Equal education of MBC at a low cost of 7%!

Usually, in order to study cutting-edge IT education, Japanese language and culture, an expensive vocational school was the only way to go. But in METRO you can receive all that with only a fraction of total cost. For example at only 7% cost of our MBC College!

ITPEC Passing Rate of 60.5%!

ITPEC IT Exam is conducted in Eight Asian countries in April and October every year. The first Batch of METRO had a passing rate of 60.5%, which is much higher than the national average pass rate!

Learn in style and comfort!

All classrooms are fitted with Air conditioners and projectors in order to make sure your learning experience a comfortable one.

A certificate equivalent of an Japanese Diploma!

The department of IT is completely supervised by METRO General Business College of Japan. As such at the time of graduation, a certificate (diploma) certifying that "it is equivalent to graduation of a vocational school in Japan" will be issued to graduates.

Special Lectures outside of the curriculum!

We also prepare special lectures besides IT and Japanese such as extracurricular learning, learning Japanese culture, life planning and self-analysis besides our curriculum.

Granular support for each and every student!

Metro provides support to each person individually, such as individual interviews, sending notification tables, etc. from admission untill graduation. We will also be helping to find employment. If you wish to get a job in Japan, our full-time Japanese staff will support you.

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