After Graduation

A Visual Path after graduating Metro!

After-graduation Path

After-graduation Path

Voices from Various Companies that employed Metro's Students!

Japanese IT Company in Myanmar
(Employed 8 Metro students as "IT Employees")

"Students from Metro is proof that Metro carefully teaches IT Basics! We have found that their students are very willing to learn and further build up their knowledge and skills!"

Japanese IT Company in Myanmar
(Employed 3 Metro students as "CAD Operators")

"Even though students are first time employees, we find that by working side to side with Metro's students, we see that they understand fundamental japanese work manners and ethics. Even though employees not having any experience is a risk, we find that the opposite is also true. Since it is not possible to distinguish and learn everything from employment interviews alone, additional information on students from your school will be benifical for us."

Japanese IT Company in Myanmar
(Employed 4 Metro students as "IT Employees")

"Even though students are not at a level we would call IT professionals yet, we find that students we hired, strived hard to learn. They have strong will and motivation to aquire higher levels of IT Skills!"