"Adventure, the best way to learn"

STUDY ABROAD COURSE (4 months course)

Study Abroad in Japan!

Myanmar is drawing attention from all over the world. Due to its remarkable development in the past years, Japanese companies are increasingly soughting after Myanmar as a place of business .

Meanwhile, "talented" Myanmar youths who can understand Japanese, understand Japanese culture, and have experience working in Japan is in "extreme" shortage. To meet these objectives, in this course, you will be learning Japanese culture and business etiquette, while also learning "N5 qualification" required to study in Japan. Preparation to study in Japan takes only '4' months!



Acquire "N5 qualification" in 3 months!
ITPEC 試験対策

To study in Japan it is necessary to obtain "N5 by JLPT" (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) or "NAT Japanese-Language" Test. Our experienced Japanese teachers will be teaching you carefully from the state of "Zero" Japanese until "N5" acquisition in 3 months.

Leave all preparations to us!

In order to study abroad, various "documents" such as "application forms", "graduation certificates", "language proficiency certificates", "parental tax payment certificates" and "bank balances" are required. Staff will carefully tell you which documents will be needed and help prepare for it indefinitely. We make sure there will be "no leakage" of personal information at all!

Japanese Conversation Practice
OJT / Project

In order not to have any difficulties in communication with Japanese people in japan and to find Part-time jobs easily, we plan to teach N5 level japanese speaking class with free of charge for those who have already made application to Metro IT Business College. Native Japanese teachers and the local teachers who hve experience and scholared in Japan will teach and practice in Japanese conversation.

"Individual Consultations" for School Selection

There are more than '400' Japanese language schools in Japan. We will discuss various conditions such as the "location of the school", "situation of dormitory", "career after graduation", "support system", etc. with each student and choose the schools "suited" to the student.